D melodic minor scales notes
D melodic minor scales notes

In jazz music theory, and when working out the related chords, this descending form of the Melodic Minor scale is ignored, and it is treated like any other scale, using the intervals listed above. There is great ambiguity between the notes F/F# and G/G#, which can be more or less freely substituted for each other. One of the best examples is the folk tune Greensleeves, shown below in the key of A Melodic Minor. This may strike you as strange (and it is!) but the resulting sound does seem to work in practice.


The blues scale is the minor pentatonic plus the flat fifth. Same pitches as C-sharp/D-flat melodic minor. Use over a C7 chord to make it sound very intellectual and jazzy. However for descending notes, the intervals of the Natural Minor scale are used instead. C minor pentatonic with sharp fourth/flat fifth added. The intervals as shown above are used when the scale (or a melody made from it) is ascending. In classical music theory, the Melodic Minor has a very unusual property, not found in any other scale type. The only difference is whether the third note makes a minor or major interval. In any melodic minor scale the sixth and seventh degrees of the scale are raised by. Information presented in this and the following sections refer to the ascending form of the melodic scale. Melodic minor scales have slightly different notes ascending and descending. The Melodic Minor scale is also similar to the Major scale (although still with a distinctly different pattern of intervals). D Melodic Minor scale key signature consists of 1 accidental(s) : C Notes.

d melodic minor scales notes

The Harmonic and Melodic Minor scales are similar, except the Melodic Minor contains a natural sixth instead of the flat sixth of the Harmonic Minor. For melodies, this large step can be awkward, so another minor scale - the Melodic Minor - evolved as an alternative. The sequence of spaces between the notes of a natural minor scale is: Whole (T) - Half (ST) - Whole (T) - Whole (T) - Half (ST) - Whole (T) - Whole (T) This chapter presents the Natural Minor scales with the fingering. The distinctive sound of the Harmonic Minor comes from the three semitone interval between the sixth and seventh notes. In all the minor scales the first, third, and fifth scale degrees form a minor triad. We have seen two minor scales so far - the Natural Minor, which is a mode of the Major scale, and the Harmonic Minor, which has a distinctly different pattern of intervals.

D melodic minor scales notes